Collective Oneness

Collective oneness is when the “I” mentality turns to a “WE” mindset

The opinions expressed on this page are mine alone. Reader's discernment is advised.

Collective unity has no ego or no separation. It is just one whole. Each has a function and place in the system. This is evident in nature. Humans on the whole, have yet to absorb this and work together to maintain the balance in the system. 

The collective oneness is, the collective unity of every particle of creation that ever was and will always be. It’s the multiversal consciousness.

The Future

I clicked these pictures close to my home. What do you see?

Envision a future where there is a paradigm shift in the way the world operates and thinks. This shift has already started to take place, slowly but surely, with millions of people and groups worldwide taking an active step towards making a change. 

Humans are awakening at individual and global levels and are actively working towards collaborative change, equality, unity and peace. They realise that the old paradigm and ways of functioning no longer work and are consciously choosing to stand in their own divine power. These individuals are taking leadership roles, and as beacons of inspiration for others, are bringing about a wave of positive change and transformation.

These leaders, the awakened pioneers are mentoring others to change their perceptions and view the world from a new perspective.  A conscious heart centred way of thinking is the very basis of this energetic shift where concepts of co-operation, co-creation, collaboration, love, respect, unity, abundance, peace and communal harmony come into play.  

stairs, stairwell, descend

Unconditional Love

The very foundation of the the unified collective is unconditional love. This is only possible when majority of humanity lets of ego-based thoughts based on lack, competition, separation and comparison. These mental perceptions are just creations of social conditioning and religious dogma. Each person in this world is part of the whole as we all are one unified field of consciousness. The more people realise this, the sooner, our world will be a peaceful and loving paradise. 

we, me, us

Each of us is incomplete without the other and every person serves a specific purpose in the karmic circle of life. Darkness is just absence of light and it is impossible to appreciate the light without the presence of darkness. So, let’s usher in the light of progressive thought where equality and respect for all overrides the darkness of suppression and oppression.  

Energy Fields and Frequencies

energy fields, matrix

My perception is that there are energy fields around us. It is the field of collective consciousness, of all knowing of the past, present and future available anytime, to be tapped into and accessed simultaneously whenever we consciously intend to connect with it and it connects every life form and existence that ever was on Earth.

Animals, birds and other life forms on the planet are always aware and connected to this field. They are always tuned in, aware, in sync and they communicate on this energy level without language or need for training to access information from this field.  

This is what allows birds flying in a flock to fly and change direction together in sync, this field is what informs migrating animals of the direction to collectively move in during climate change, this is what keeps the packs and herds moving together and what allows a straying member of the pack to find it’s kin.

camels, desert, tunisia

This field gave birth to the 100th monkey in the Morphogenic field study

Similar, to the other sentient beings on the planet, we humans are all connected as well by these invisible energy threads. Despite this connection, humans consider themselves separate and often the ego play a part in this. Humans separate themselves on basis country, race, financial status etc. which makes them forget their place in the collective order without acknowledging their main connection to the Earth. 

binary, binary code, matrix

Energy Healing

Here, I would also like to clear the misconception surrounding energy healing and medicine and “new age” theories. Many consider it as gibberish and that these are names to con people to pay for what is considered as scam by some. What makes it difficult to explain to the pessimist non-believers is that it is intangible. Even though there is scientific proof that there is energy everywhere, these people still require evidence to believe that this energy can be used to heal, just as much it is used to power solar energy or wind mills. 

wind power, wind energy, windräder

There is no mystery regarding energy healing. It is scientific and it’s a connection made through the energy fields around us. Some call it the morpho-genetic field. This is a scientifically researched subject and energy healers have learned to tap into this field for the benefit of the collective. They can utilise the vast miracles these fields gift us. Some are born with natural, intuitive gifts to instinctively heal and awaken life. Others train for years and learn to harness the energy with practice. Just like not everyone can call themselves a doctor, unless studied and medically trained. There are different fields of study and specialisation in science and medicine. A doctor trained in one specialty cannot do what another doctor in a different field can do, though both are aware of and trained for generalised medicine.

dna, matrix, genetics

Similarly, in the field of energy medicine, there is a generalised awareness and knowledge of most fields but there are also specific fields, people trained specialised areas work with. Energy fields have to be tapped into with care and with training and understanding as there are too many layers to them. We live in a multiverse with multiple dimensions, parallel timelines, multiple planes of life co-existing at the same time. They are so vast that it is incomprehensible. 

cosmos, matrix, tech

Not all are safe and positive, meddling with dimensions that amateurs don’t understand or have the ability to handle can backfire for themselves and society. This can be used for good and for bad, so beware before experimenting without awareness. Despite my awareness, I don’t either.

Generational Collective Oneness

While the energy field honours and gives place to individual or personal consciousness, it believes this to be part of the collective first. The threads connecting us with people and situations existing in our life are stronger, and are more bonded to us than it would be with strangers. The field is constantly upgrading and updating itself based on the collective energies of all that is. A shift in one, creates a ripple effect in all the connected ties and also creates a shift in a broad spectrum to all the others, tied to the similar threads. 

This probably sounds like chords attached to us and in energy medicine, we cut and dissolve chords and attachments to us, I wonder if it is really possible to do that on all levels.   While, it makes sense to cut or dissolve negative chords and attachments that are external, but can we really cut cords that are genetic? And should we even? They are our ancestors and our lineage, because of whom, we exist today. We can disentangle ourselves from the dysfunctional negative patterns, coming down our generations. We can bring peace to them and others affected by certain issues, bring closure to it for them and our future generations. 

family, community, patchwork

The collective consciousness is looking after the orders of love. If orders of love are out of balance, it causes entanglements. the universal energy field works to bring order and harmony to the family, social, organisational energy systems, caused due to these entanglements. While all this is occurring on an energetic level, when someone sees, addresses & acknowledges it by saying certain healing statements, it becomes tangible with a feeling of personal involvement in a constructive way to resolve an issue. As seeing is freeing, it creates a shift and healing on a psychological and subconscious level as well.

Women's Role in Collective Oneness

human, people, vortex

I believe that women are the hope for our world and for the future of our children. When a woman is empowered, she empowers her family by contributing to their health, education and other essentials which in turn, creates a ripple effect that benefits her community, country and world at large.

wave, concentric, waves circles

With the advent of internet and global social media networks, my hope is that more women and organisations will take leadership roles in the movement towards collective empowerment. Even though the days of women disowning their voices and power, living small and discounting their self- worth are slowly diminishing, massive work is still required for global awakening.

In my opinion, that is probably the reason, that there are more awakened and awakening women on a spiritual level. Many are ascending and embracing the concept of the collective oneness, a realisation that we are not alone or separate from each other. Each person plays an important part in the upliftment and enlightenment of each human being. They are assisting in the ascension of Mother Earth or Gaia.

Thankfully, many men are also awakening and realising that they too play a part in this movement. More and more men are joining in this spiritual upliftment by self-awareness and working on their inner self, their shadow side, self-growth and their connection with the Divine. They are awakening to their purpose and this makes it easier. 

sea, grass, nature

When both genders, male and female, masculine and feminine energies combine, it creates a balance. It has a positive effect on the children and their parent’s guidance assists them to a faster awakening. This in turn assists the world at large on all levels of consciousness across the multiverse, which in turn assists in the ascension of Mother Earth. All it takes sometimes is a spark to ignite a wave of change, one drop is enough to cause a ripple. 

human resources, people, hands

A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history


I hope that my site and my work somehow inspires you on some level, to bring about a wave of change with your generous spirit and awakened awareness. May you spread love and peace in your own unique special way and may you too be open to receive the blessings, that will surely return to you multiplied many fold. 

Last but not the least, something to contemplate.....
Do you resonate with what's written below?
dahlia, flower, blossom

You are meant to be here, right now.

There are no coincidences in life. And, it’s no coincidence that you are here, just your higher self, guiding you to make the choice you meant to take at this present moment. What it is that you are meant to discover, only you know deep down. It’s a matter of whether you choose to see it or not.

I didn’t believe in all this a few years back. It was just some gibberish that made no sense, just like you might be thinking right now. I believe it now,thanks to my experiences.

Allow me to share my experience

I realised recently that my life has been a loop of repetitive patterns. I was always guided and shown the way. I didn’t trust or believe in the signs or guidance. The purpose for which I was sent to earth for, was always there in front of me. And this never goes away, whether you take the direct route shown to you or the roundabout way. The destination is the same. The lessons you came here to learn are the same. I have come one full circle. Fate will keep pushing you down, bring all sorts of difficulties and hardships your way for you to see the truth of who you are. Along with it is all the assistance and direction, you need to go on your path, until you finally get it, accept and walk on the path laid out for you. That is exactly what has happened with me. At the age of 45 with all the knocks and falls, I finally got it and am back to the path I was initially was shown, before I embarked on this quest of healing and self growth. Have I got all the answers yet? No, I am still learning. Is my life free of any issues? No not at all. I still get knocked down, have struggles, ups and downs like everyone else, the only difference is that I am aware of them, have the tools and get help from others if need be. In my opinion, learning and self growth never stops.  

Is it a coincidence that you are here?  Even though it may feel like a it is, believe me it is not. There is a reason and purpose you are here, reading this at this precise moment.

 Why are you here and how did you find my website?

 Did you receive a flyer. a friend recommended or did you come across a post on social media?

poppy, blossom, bloom

But think about it, why is it that from the many people, who came across the same post or message, you are one who clicked the link and looked up this site? Not everyone who saw it did so.  

As dramatic as it might sound, you were guided to see what is offered here. The law of attraction works on a subconscious level, even when you might not consciously be aware.

stone, zen, white

It’s not curiosity. We would never be curious about that, which we are not meant to know about. It’s deep and unfathomable but it’s true. 

Beauty and Miracles of Natural Oneness

In my opinion, now is the time to come out of the “I” mentality and to openly embrace the “WE” mindset. I feel that, when we rejoice in others’ good fortune collectively, abundance becomes the norm.

Nature is a unified field. The natural order knows no separation

The key to connecting to the collective WE is very simple, unconditional love for self and others, forgiveness for self and others. Trust, release and surrender to the Creator Source/ God.

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