Your Transformation Begins Here

Transformational Options I Offer

Sharing Therapy

Sharing is Caring
compassion, listening, witnessing

The most important skill for a counsellor is patience and listening. After I started training in as a counsellor and healer in multiple modalities, I realised that many of the clients who come for a session or who wanted a counselling just needed to be heard. 

We live in a world where people are constantly occupied with something, they have to do lists, tasks to complete, family to take care of and are often jumping mentally to the next item in their to do list while still being on the current list. having such hectic schedules, hardly gives us a moment to think or connect not only with the world around us but also with our inner self. We have lost the ability to stop and listen. 

Sometimes, we just need someone to listen to us but unfortunately, everyone around us is equally caught up in their schedules and just living, day to day.  

It also happens that when we do share and talk with family and friends, they already have a perception of you and your life and there is often unwanted advise coming from them. They do this because they care, but at those moments, all you need is a listening hear, some one who listens to you with out judgement or advise and just allows to talk. Often, solutions come to us when we listen to ourselves talk to someone without judgement or advice.

Being non judgemental is something else, we as counsellors and healers have to develop. I admit, it was not the most easiest thing to do, but after training as a Family Constellations practitioner, it becomes a part me in that role. Through this modality, I have realised that, I have the ability to listen, just listen by allowing my client to talk. 

This process of being able to voice out, talk and share with someone is a catharic experience for them. It is easier to talk to strangers or with people who don’t know you personally. They have no bias and they are a blank screen you can write your thoughts on, then stand back and read it from a distance. It makes you feel validated from within. 

The added bonus is that you have me, a trained therapist and healer with you during this sharing session. 

Everyone has different needs for and after such sessions, that is why I offer multiple options during sharing therapy.

prayer, love, woman

Different Sharing Therapy Options

Sharing is caring and often people who come to me, just need to be heard and are not looking for therapy. In fact most of them, prefer not going to therapist or going for anything that has the word ” therapy” attached to it. Therapy is a word misunderstood and unfortunately carries a stigma. As much as I would like to use another word instead of therapy, I wouldn’t know what else to use because it does work as therapy. 

Sharing is caring and as much as I love to listen to people and assist them, I do have to charge for my time and effort. I have to hold a safe, secure space for you to be able to share and talk freely. I know that different people have different needs and prefer to share in different ways or are looking for different outcomes to each session, for this reason, I offer different sharing therapy options to suit all requirements and personal preferences.

Option 1

Anonymous sharing session, whereby you can talk with me about whatever issue is bothering you or if you just need someone to talk to or share without being judged or given any advice. If you in need of a listening ear and not “therapy” You can keep your zoom camera off or you could have a phone conversation with me for 75 minutes. I will only talk or give my input if you wish me to do so,  during or after your sharing.

Option 2

Sharing session, whereby you can talk with me with your camera on or off. I will combine energy healing during the session to assist your healing and resolution for your issue.

You can request for an Angel Message for an additional charge. 

Option 3

Sharing session whereby I combine your sharing session with a Family Constellations Therapy session during which I even send healing energy for your highest good and for a speedy resolution for your issue. These sessions can last from anywhere between 75 minutes to 120 minutes depending on the issue.

Systemic Sharing Therapy

Recent studies and developments in the fields of cellular biology, neuroscience, epigenetics and development psychology prove through research, that certain genes in our DNA retain the genetic memories of our ancestors. Trauma and disease skip generations to be inherited by someone down the lineage, when certain external environment, triggers internal dormant genetic memories.

Sharing Therapy Combined with Neuro Art

It may be used as a potential therapy method for people who:

Want to resolve all kinds of family conflict and problems

Want to resolve the root cause of family dysfunction

Want to improve or maintain good marital / romantic relationships

Are seeking to address negative or harmful relationship patterns

Want to be in a romantic relationship

Want to resolve or improve problems with children and teens, like learning difficulties and disorders like ADHD, autism etc, anger and aggressiveness, addictions, shame and guilt, bullying, relationship issues with parents or peers, homosexuality and other issues.

Are attempting to resolve family entanglements

Are going through recurring medical issues

Want to understand the reason for the present disease

Want to resolve the root cause and dynamics of disease in family


Want to understand background reasons and clear the dynamics associated with recurring ancestral patterns of certain diseases in the family lineage & heal the symptoms of personal health issues

Want to overcome inner turmoil

Have experienced significant trauma or loss

Are experiencing unexplained fears, phobias, shame, guilt and other negative emotions

Are in search of personal and professional success

Want to resolve conflicts with colleagues and difficulty being able to excel as an employee or rise up the cooperate levels despite qualifications and hard work

Are facing difficulties in different areas of work, success and income as independent professionals, business owners and entrepreneurs.

Are having difficulties in communication and decision making

Are facing issues regarding their leadership roles or maintaining their position in the hierarchy of their business or organisation

Want to Heal their life

Wish to bring peace to their ancestors

Wish to ensure happiness for their future generations



Your Transformation Begins Here!

Book your session

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Please note: You will be taken to a booking page once payment is complete. 

How May I Help You?

What I Offer

Online Art Workshops

What might happen if you
simply put the brush to paper each day for 21 days? What if you let go of the
inner critic, the need to judge, or protect yourself from criticism by
criticising yourself first?

Join the easy and relaxing 21 day painting meditation challenge to find out!

If you stop and listen, your inner voice has some powerful insight for you. In the busy hustle of daily life though, we often neglect the part of us that whispers at the back of our minds. We have to keep everything going, filling our days with chores and things that ‘must’ be done. BUT what if we stopped and tuned in to the things that our heart truly desires?
Whitney Freya, my mentor and coach has have developed an intuitive 8-week program to help you get in touch with the things that really matter in your life. Vision Quest will take you on a journey into yourself, seeking out the truths that will make you happy and allowing your life to change in many positive ways.
You want to live with your head in the stars and your feet rooted in the earth. I have just the thing! Seeking out truth through the language of art, you’ll learn how to free your unconscious mind with color and form.
Visit here to find out more about this powerful and life-changing program. I did and it was a life-changer for me!

Group Art Workshops

Art Workshops

In Person Group Sessions

Art and Creativity

I am an Intuitive Healer, Channel for Divine Healing Light Language, Trained and Certified Practitioner in Family Constellations and Systematic Therapy, Angel Therapy & Healing, Usui Reiki Master, Creative Fitness Coaching, Spiritual & Shamanic Art Therapy, Theta Healing Level 1, Crystal Healing, Chakra Healing and Alignment, Tarot Card Reading, Serene Vibes Healing , Emotion Code, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Rainbow Rays Reiki, Cosmic Reiki. Kinesiology ( Muscle Testing), Pendulum Dowsing, Learning Disorders Management, Child Psychology and Counselling, Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Besides being a holistic and energy healer, I am an Artist, Web Designer and enjoys various Creative Pursuits


Some heartfelt testimonials and feedback shared by my clients. The names are kept private and confidential. To keep the authenticity of the expression, I have kept the wordings as they are without correction

1. Hi Masuma….
I just want to thank you for such wonderful unbelievable session we had yesterday. I feel that, thank you is very small word. This session is very special for me, you have awakened my inner soul, which I think will help me to live life to the fullest, worthy and with full confidence in myself. I thank you once again from the bottom of my heart….🙏🙏🙏🙏
I just can’t believe that within such short time, you made me to feel free from unworthiness feeling, lonely feeling….and so on, and top of it all, you built confidence within me….
I will definitely update you on the changes within me…. ofcourse, I know it’s not going to change in a day or two but now have confidence that I will make changes within me for the betterment in life….👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏


2. Thank you dear Masuma for assisting me in my difficult period of life. Will be always grateful to you. 🙏🙏🤗 Feeling better and light after the session. 


3. My experience was beyond imagination and expectations. After the session, I felt very much comfortable and burden free. Just felt that many years, I was carrying so much of load/burden of unknown entities which I could managed to keep down, am now free of, ofcourse with the kind help of Masuma. Thanks Masuma for this kind help. Will be grateful to you always.

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